Do You Know How Much Each Day Your Feet Sweat?

Do You Know How Much Each Day Your Feet Sweat?

Sweating is a physiological activity that serves several purposes. Sweating is made possible by sweat glands. They are highly abundant and can be found all throughout the body. The human body contains 2-5 million glands, the most of which are located on the feet and palms. Excessive foot perspiration can lead to a variety of disorders, the most prevalent of which being tinea pedis (athlete’s foot). It is vital to maintain daily foot cleanliness to prevent excessive sweating of the feet and hence sweat-related diseases. Learn how much sweat our feet secrete every day, how to avoid unpleasant odors caused by sweating, and how to keep your feet clean.

What are sweat glands? How much sweat do feet produce per day?

On the body, there are two types of sweat glands. These are merocrine, eccrine, and apocrine glands (scent glands). Merocrine glands are more abundant on the palms and feet, but apocrine glands are more frequent under the armpits, around the genitals and anus, around the nipples on the breasts… Sweat released by apocrine glands includes proteins and carbohydrates that, when combined with bacteria, produce an unpleasant odor. Ceruminous glands are modified apocrine glands that generate cerumen (wax).

Sweat is made up of water, sodium chloride, electrolytes, and other substances. When sweat is secreted on the skin, it evaporates and cools the body. Every day, 700-1000 cc of sweat is secreted. Feet sweat approximately 250 mL every day. When we compare this to the entire amount of 700-1000 ml, we can see the significance of preventing excessive foot perspiration. The foot has approximately 250,000 sweat glands. In terms of sweat gland density per cm2, the feet are the area of the body with the most sweat glands.

Why do feet sweat?

The body produces sweat to maintain an ideal body temperature. Now when the body temperature rises above 37°C, signals from the central nervous system travel to the sweat glands and send instructions for the production and release of sweat. The most important function of sweat is to cool the skin during evaporation. The four main functions of sweating are:

• Body temperature regulation
• Excretion of salt and water from the body
• Skin protection – it is slightly acidic and thus protects the skin from the reproduction of bacteria
• Sweating of the feet increases the friction between the soles of the feet and the surface. This function of sweating was particularly important to our ancestors. Better adhesion of the feet to the surface made it easier and faster to run when attacked by predators or other threats

Warm people may sweat more due to age, hormones, emotional stress, and other factors. Factors that cause perspiration, or sweating, include:

  • Sweating is induced by the high temperature of the external environment. Similarly, a body temperature above 37 degrees Celsius communicates to the eccrine glands that it is required to cool the body. Heat stroke causes the body to lose its ability to sweat owing to sweat gland fatigue, and an increase in body temperature can be fatal.
  • Sweating is caused by emotional strain, such as anxiety and stress.
  • Physical activity causes perspiration in the same way that an increase in body temperature does because sports warm up the body.
  • Prolonged standing – if you are on your feet all day, you are more likely to experience excessive foot sweating. Therefore certain jobs, such as waiters and cleaners, are more likely to contract ailments like athlete’s foot. If your profession needs you to stand for long periods of time, choose your footwear carefully. Because of the natural materials and pleasant cuts that do not put pressure on the foot, DrLuigi medical footwear does not generate more sweating.
  • Footwear options include synthetic materials, thin shoes, and closed shoes. All of this causes increased sweating in the foot. We recommend DrLuigi medical footwear, which has a long history of quality and satisfies the highest criteria.
  • Sweating is increased by excess body weight.
  • Antidepressants and other medications can produce excessive perspiration, which can be severe at times.
  • Pregnancy
  • Menopause
  • Congenital hyperhidrosis is a congenital sweating disorder. Excessive sweating can cause cracked and sore feet and palms.
Unpleasant foot odor

Sweat does not have an unpleasant odor on its own, but when sweat mixes with epithelial cells (skin scales) and sebum, which the skin naturally secretes, disagreeable scents form. Furthermore, wet areas such as body folds (armpits, thighs) promote the growth of bacteria, which contribute to the creation of scents. Hormones, for example, can lead to excessive perspiration in teens. That is why it is critical to maintain proper foot care, especially after participating in sports.
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