There are several reasons why so many individuals nowadays the persistent sense of have having cold feet.
When we don't adequately cover our feet, that is, when we don't wear socks, our feet are often cold.
Cold feet
Inadequate circulation, which results in poor blood flow in the leg region and frequently also in the hands, is one of the most frequent causes of chilly feet.
Walking for at least 30 minutes a day may frequently prevent or cure weak circulation, which can be brought on by inadequate exercise or a sedentary lifestyle.
Blood clots may also contribute to poor circulation, which might result in other medical issues.
Consult your doctor if your circulation is poor and you suspect blood clots or have a family history of blood clots.
Sweaty feet
It's also possible for the feet to perspire excessively. Plantar hyperhidrosis is the term used in medicine to describe this problem. The summer, when feet perspire the most, is when it most frequently appears.
The medical word for excessive foot perspiration is plantar hyperhidrosis. Sweating on the feet, a topic that is frequently taboo, may be uncomfortable and can make it difficult to do some tasks.
The perspiration of the foot may be controlled if the specific cause can't be determined.
Overactive sweat glands are a defining feature of plantar hyperhidrosis, or excessive foot sweating. These glands, which are located beneath the skin, release sweat, a biological fluid which plays a key role in regulating body temperature.
The feet themselves are chilly because sweat induces cooling. Wearing fresh cotton socks and increasing your physical activity could help you get rid of this unpleasant occurrence.
Physical exercise should also enhance circulation.
How to prevent the existing condition?
Even in the summer, dress warmly when it's chilly outside. It's not appropriate to stroll about in your underwear when it's summer and 16 degrees Celsius outside. Dress for the conditions, not the time of year.
Consider donning cotton socks. The epidermis perspires beneath the synthetic materials, which causes the feet to cool off and the growth of unfavorable fungus.
Reduce smoking or stop smoking
Spend at least 30 minutes each day working out. Exercise should improve posture while addressing the circulation issue.
Dress in layers to protect oneself from the cold since more layers help to retain heat than a single thick one. Wear shoes or boots with thicker soles in the winter to protect all of your joints.
Furry boots or boots with a toasty insole are also preferred.
You can use a hair dryer to warm your feet and your shoes before venturing outside in the cold if you are certain that your feet won't warm up on their own.
It should aid in heat conservation.