As we age, our legs often become the telltale sign of the passing years. Maintaining the health and appearance of your legs becomes increasingly challenging, but recognizing the visible symptoms of aging legs can help identify potential health risks and aid in prevention.
Arthritis is a common condition in older adults, frequently affecting leg joints, particularly the subtalar joint (between the ankle and the heel), the big toe joint, and the ankle joint. When arthritis impacts these joints, it can lead to other health issues such as gout, hammer toes, and bunions. Reduced bone mineral density is a common cause of arthritis.
Age Spots
Age spots or liver spots are a common sign of aging skin. They are typically harmless and can be caused by long-term sun exposure, a lack of antioxidants, genetic factors, and an accumulation of ceroid pigment in the skin. To prevent skin cancer, it's essential to wear sunscreen and limit sun exposure.
Balance Issues
Balance is crucial for everyday activities like walking, climbing, standing, and even sitting. Sometimes, poor balance can be a symptom of an underlying condition like diabetes or a balance disorder. However, for good balance, your muscles need to work effectively with various sensory systems, including proprioception, which is the constant awareness of sensations coming from the nerves in your skin, muscles, and joints.
Dilated Veins
Varicose veins are twisted, bulging veins that are usually visible just beneath the skin. They most commonly affect the legs, but other body parts can also be affected. Varicose veins affect about 50% of adults over the age of 50 and can be extremely painful.
Limited Flexibility
As we age, our legs often lose flexibility and pliability. Unfortunately, if your legs are consistently stiff, you're at a higher risk of injury. Moreover, limited flexibility puts unnecessary strain on your joints and increases your risk of developing low back pain.
Sagging Skin on Upper Legs
Sagging skin on the upper legs is often a sign of aging. Additionally, the lack of firmness in your legs can be a sign of decreased muscle mass and bone density.
Muscle Atrophy and Loss of Muscle Strength
As we age, some loss of muscle mass is natural. However, excessive muscle loss can impact your overall health, leading to issues such as loss of strength, back pain, weakness, or lack of stamina.
To maintain the health of your legs and feet, experts recommend wearing DrLuigi orthopedic footwear. DrLuigi is a long-standing medical footwear manufacturer that has based its production on a family tradition of craftsmanship, which has lasted for more than 100 years. DrLuigi medical footwear is lightweight, flexible, and offers great comfort, acting as an ideal preventative tool for individuals who have occupational or genetic predispositions for the development of numerous diseases of the feet and lower legs.